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Active Member
Sep 4, 2023
So i am doing a skript were you have a wool sword and you right click it summons a bed fro you to sleep in yea but i need a 35 second cooldown i have this:
on right click:
name of player's tool is "&f&lWool Sword &f&l✪"
if player's held item is arrow:
# Check if the cooldown variable is set to a time after the current time
if {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} is greater than now:
set block above event-location to air

# Calculate the remaining cooldown time
set {_waited} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} and now
send "&cYou cant Do That You Need to wait %{_waited}%"

# Set the cooldown to 10 seconds from the current time
set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to 45 seconds from now
name of player's tool is "&f&lWool Sword &f&l✪"
if player's held item is arrow:
if {mana.%player%} is greater than 34:
add -35 to {mana.%player%}
send "&4Used (Deep Sleep)! &b(-35 Mana)" to player
send "&cYou don't have enough mana to do that!" to player
set block above event-location to air
set block above event-location to white bed
wait 10 seconds
message "&cYou Could not sleep in the bed in enough time it has parished."
set block above event-location to air
on right click on white bed:
heal player by 15 hearts
send "&cYou Are Well Rested. Healed 15 Hearts!" to player
set block at event-location to air
on right click:
name of player's tool is "&f&lCooldown Reset"
set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to 0 seconds from now it works butttttt it doesn't cancel the event i will be back in 24 to 36 hours to check replies ty!
So i am doing a skript were you have a wool sword and you right click it summons a bed fro you to sleep in yea but i need a 35 second cooldown i have this:
on right click:
name of player's tool is "&f&lWool Sword &f&l✪"
if player's held item is arrow:
# Check if the cooldown variable is set to a time after the current time
if {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} is greater than now:
set block above event-location to air

# Calculate the remaining cooldown time
set {_waited} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} and now
send "&cYou cant Do That You Need to wait %{_waited}%"

# Set the cooldown to 10 seconds from the current time
set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to 45 seconds from now
name of player's tool is "&f&lWool Sword &f&l✪"
if player's held item is arrow:
if {mana.%player%} is greater than 34:
add -35 to {mana.%player%}
send "&4Used (Deep Sleep)! &b(-35 Mana)" to player
send "&cYou don't have enough mana to do that!" to player
set block above event-location to air
set block above event-location to white bed
wait 10 seconds
message "&cYou Could not sleep in the bed in enough time it has parished."
set block above event-location to air
on right click on white bed:
heal player by 15 hearts
send "&cYou Are Well Rested. Healed 15 Hearts!" to player
set block at event-location to air
on right click:
name of player's tool is "&f&lCooldown Reset"
set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to 0 seconds from now it works butttttt it doesn't cancel the event i will be back in 24 to 36 hours to check replies ty!

Maybe do:

if {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} is true:
    send "You have to wait a bit longer to do this again!
    # run code
    set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to true
    wait 45 seconds
    set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to false

There is no need to make it a number if you are not going to call any number or remaining time thing.

Edit: I realized you did call a remaining time, but this code is for you to play around with.
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Here is how you can do a proper cooldown using variables
on right click:
    name of player's tool is "&f&lWool Sword &f&l✪"
    if player's held item is not arrow:
     # Check if the cooldown variable is set to a time after the current time
    if {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} is greater than now:
          # Cancel the event since the cooldown is not yet over
        cancel event

          # Calculate the remaining cooldown time
        set {_waited} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} and now
        send "Try again in %{_waited}%"

          # Set the cooldown to 10 seconds from the current time
        set {cooldown::%player's uuid%::bed} to 10 seconds from now

        # under here you put the what you want your code to do after the cooldown is over
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