Cooldown Problems

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Apr 25, 2017
Heey guys im working on a network with my friend it called stereonetwork.
And soon we will release factions and we have some custom made skripts like. Speed, Fly, Etc

But now i have one problem and that is how can i add cooldown for strength if they used it for 30 seconds
This is my skript what i now have

command /strength:
    usage: /strength
    permission: strength.use
    permission message: {@PermissionDenymessage}
    executable by: players
        If {strength.%player%} is not set:
            Send "{@StrengthEnabled}" to player
            apply potion of strength 2 to the player for 30 seconds
            Set {strength.%player%} to true
        Send "{@StrengthDisabled}" to player
        remove strength from player
        Delete {strength.%player%}

Does some one know how to fix it with an cooldown when the 30 seconds are over the maxium cooldown what i want is one hour please somebody can help me
A really good example of this actually comes with skrip when you download it, in your sk files. but i'll put it here too
# This script is a template for commands which have a cooldown.
# I will add a more intuitive way of handling cooldowns/countdowns in the future,
# But for now please use something like this.
# Make sure that you do not use delays for cooldowns as they stop when the server stops.

# This command allows each player to get infinite cakes
# but the command has a cooldown of one minute (per player)
command /cake:
    description: Recieve a cake, but you can only do this once per minute!
    permission: cake.is_a_lie
    executable by: players
        # stores how long it's been since the player last used this command
        set {_waited} to difference between {cake.%player%.lastused} and now
        # checks whether the player has used the command within the last minute
        if {_waited} is less than a minute:
            message "You have to wait %difference between a minute and {_waited}% before you can use this command again!"
        # some condition which sould not start the cooldown
        # (if the player doesn't get the cake he should be able to use the command again immediately)
        player doesn't have space for a cake:
            message "You do not have enough space in your inventory to hold the cake!"
        # do the action of the command
        give a cake to the player
        # and finally start the cooldown
        set {cake.%player%.lastused} to now
It looks prety nice but i dont really understand what your trying to type i have now this and i want a cooldown but it is not woking for me

command /strength:
    usage: /strength
    permission: strength.use
    permission message: {@PermissionDenymessage}
    executable by: players
        If {strength.%player%} is not set:
            Send "{@StrengthEnabled}" to player
            apply potion of strength 2 to the player for 30 seconds
            Set {strength.%player%} to true
        Send "{@StrengthDisabled}" to player
        if {_waited} is less than a hour:
        send "&cYou need to wait 1 hour before using again!"
        remove strength from player
        Delete {strength.%player%}
Use list variables.
command /strength:
    permission: strength.use
    permission message: {@PermissionDenymessage}
    executable by: players
        {strength::%player%} isn't set:
            send "Applied strength for 30 seconds."
            apply potion of strength 2 to player for 30 seconds
            set {strength::%player%} to true
            wait 60 seconds
            {strength::%player%} is set:
                delete {strength::%player%}
        send "You need to wait a minute to use the command again."
Use list variables.
command /strength:
    permission: strength.use
    permission message: {@PermissionDenymessage}
    executable by: players
        {strength::%player%} isn't set:
            send "Applied strength for 30 seconds."
            apply potion of strength 2 to player for 30 seconds
            set {strength::%player%} to true
            wait 60 seconds
            {strength::%player%} is set:
                delete {strength::%player%}
        send "You need to wait a minute to use the command again."

Looks cool but where is my Enable and Disable messages xD
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