Discord Thread Cooldown Actionbar

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
Hello so i have a Skript that basically adds Bliss SMP Gems and i wanna add an Actionbar if someone holds a Gem so i coded this but theres 2 Problems which i dont know how to fix 1. I tried formating the seconds to s but that doesent work and 2. i want the timer to count down not go up but i dont know how to do that any help is appreciated also this is a bit of a mess with all the variables but i dont wanna interupt anything thanks!

Posted by: shdraight from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
on player's held item change:
if name of player's tool is "&7&kk &7&lᴡɪɴᴅ ɢᴇᴍ &7&kk":
set {_waitedw1} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind1} and now
if {_waitedw1} is less than 45 seconds:
set {_showw1} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind1} and now
set {_showw1} to "Ready!"
set {_waitedw2} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind2} and now
if {_waitedw2} is less than 35 seconds:
set {_showw2} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind2} and now
set {_showw2} to "Ready!"
set {_waitedw3} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind3} and now
if {_waitedw3} is less than 80 seconds:
set {_showw3} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind3} and now
set {_showw3} to "Ready!"
replace every "seconds" in {_showw1} with "s"
replace every "seconds" in {_showw2} with "s"
replace every "seconds" in {_showw3} with "s"
send actionbar "&7%{showw1}% &7| &7%{showw2}% &7| &7%{_showw3}%" to player
on player's held item change:
  if name of player's tool is "&7&kk &7&lᴡɪɴᴅ ɢᴇᴍ &7&kk":
    set {_waitedw1} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind1} and now
    if {_waitedw1} is less than 45 seconds:
      set {_showw1} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind1} and now
      set {_showw1} to "Ready!"
    set {_waitedw2} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind2} and now
    if {_waitedw2} is less than 35 seconds:
      set {_showw2} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind2} and now
      set {_showw2} to "Ready!"
    set {_waitedw3} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind3} and now
    if {_waitedw3} is less than 80 seconds:
      set {_showw3} to difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind3} and now
      set {_showw3} to "Ready!"
    replace every "seconds" in {_showw1} with "s"
    replace every "seconds" in {_showw2} with "s"
    replace every "seconds" in {_showw3} with "s"
    send actionbar "&7%{_showw1}% &7| &7%{_showw2}% &7| &7%{_showw3}%" to player

Posted by: shdraight from the skUnity Discord.
function dajCD(p: player, v: text, t: text, s: timespan) :: boolean:
    if difference between {cooldown::%{_v}%::%{_p}%} and now is smaller than {_s}:
        remove difference between now and {cooldown::%{_v}%::%{_p}%} from {_s}
        set {_s} to "%{_s}%"
        replace all "seconds" and "second" with "s" in {_s}
        replace all "minute" and "minutes" with "m" in {_s}
        send actionbar "%{_t}% %{_s}%" to {_p}
        return false
        set {cooldown::%{_v}%::%{_p}%} to now
        send actionbar "&aReady!" to {_p}
        return true
on player's held item change:
    name of player's tool is "&7&kk &7&lᴡɪɴᴅ ɢᴇᴍ &7&kk"
    dajCD(player, "WindGem", "&aWait:&f", 80 seconds)
maybe I don't understand, but why so many conditions in your code

Posted by: _grifin_ from the skUnity Discord.
im very bad at skripting efficient my text always gets very lomh
i decided to just do it like this the problem is that i also get an actionbar everytime i switch my tool not just with the gem:
on player's held item change:
  if player's tool is an amethyst shard:
    if name of player's tool is "&7&kk &7&lᴡɪɴᴅ ɢᴇᴍ &7&kk":
      if difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind1} and now is less than 45 seconds:
        set {_actionbarw1} to "Cooldown!"
        set {_actionbarw1} to "Ready!"
      if difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind2} and now is less than 35 seconds:
        set {_actionbarw2} to "Cooldown!"
        set {_actionbarw2} to "Ready!"
      if difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%.wind3} and now is less than 80 seconds:
        set {_actionbarw3} to "Cooldown!"
        set {_actionbarw3} to "Ready!"
      send actionbar "&7%{_actionbarw1}% | %{_actionbarw2}% | %{_actionbarw3}%" to player

Posted by: shdraight from the skUnity Discord.
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