Cookieclicker where cookies come out.

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Feb 16, 2020
Suggested name: cookieclicker

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.19.4/2.7.0-beta2

What I want:
Good day,
I wanted to make a cookie clicker where if you click on the cookie block, cookies come out as an item that cannot be collected and disappear individually after a second. The cookie system itself is already finished. The only thing missing is the cookie drop feature. This is a part of the code:
on left click on player head:

    if location of event-block is {cookie.loc}:
        if {cookie::afk::%uuid of player%} is not set:
            add 1 to {cookies::%uuid of player%}
            send action bar "§6§lCOOKIECLICKER §8• §7Du hast derzeit &6%regex({cookies::%uuid of player%})% §7Cookies" to player
            play sound ""
            set {_x} to cookie named "&6&lCookieclicker Cookies"
            drop {_x} at {cookies::drop}
on pickup of cookie:
    if name of event-item contains "&6&lCookieclicker Cookies":
        cancel event
What's missing is that the cookies disappear individually after a second.
I also have a video of what it should look like.

Kind regards

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: As soon as someone has the time and desire to help me