Console cannot execute command

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Any parsing errors?
Any console errors (startup / when you run the command)?
The console has no permissions, so it cannot execute the command.
Try this:
command /rubky [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    if executor is player:
      if player has permission "rubky":
        if arg-1 is not set:
          send "&c/rubky <jméno hráče> <důvod>"
        else if arg-2 is "reakce":
          send " &e&lReakce &7» &aSuper! Na tvůj účet ti bylo přičteno &45 rubínů&a!" to arg-1
          add 5 to arg-1's balance
          if arg-2 is not set:
            send "&cMusíš napsat důvod!"
      send " &e&lReakce &7» &aSuper! Na tvůj účet ti bylo přičteno &45 rubínů&a!" to arg-1
      add 5 to arg-1's balance
The console has no permissions, so it cannot execute the command.
Try this:
command /rubky [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    if executor is player:
      if player has permission "rubky":
        if arg-1 is not set:
          send "&c/rubky <jméno hráče> <důvod>"
        else if arg-2 is "reakce":
          send " &e&lReakce &7» &aSuper! Na tvůj účet ti bylo přičteno &45 rubínů&a!" to arg-1
          add 5 to arg-1's balance
          if arg-2 is not set:
            send "&cMusíš napsat důvod!"
      send " &e&lReakce &7» &aSuper! Na tvůj účet ti bylo přičteno &45 rubínů&a!" to arg-1
      add 5 to arg-1's balance
If that were the issue, the console wouldn't have given any message at all. Instead, it gave an unknown command message, which indicates that the command was never registered, so probably something internally with Skript.
no parsing errors, no errors in console with this skript.
Can you send the startup log?
If that were the issue, the console wouldn't have given any message at all. Instead, it gave an unknown command message, which indicates that the command was never registered, so probably something internally with Skript.

Can you send the startup log?

sorry I didn't notice the "Console says: Unknown command. Type" / help "for help."
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