Solved Command In Gui

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I'm making a rank skript but when I make a command inside a gui it has an error that says: '<none> is not a specified player'. The thing goes like this:

format gui slot 23 of player with purple wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &d[MODERATOR]" to run:
   execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set moderator"

Can anyone see what's wrong?


- TheCringleYT
command /rank <player>:
    permission: admin.rank
        if arg-1 is set:
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&7You're ranking &e%arg-1%" to player
            format gui slot 0,1,2,3,5,6,7 and 8 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
            format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&cCLOSE" to close
            format gui slot 19 of player with red wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[OWNER]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set owner"
            format gui slot 20 of player with yellow wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &e[CO-OWNER]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set coowner"
            format gui slot 21 of player with orange wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[MANAGER]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set manager"
            format gui slot 22 of player with orange wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[ADMINISTRATOR]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set admin"
            format gui slot 23 of player with purple wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &d[MODERATOR]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set moderator"
            format gui slot 24 of player with blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[HELPER]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set helper"
            format gui slot 25 of player with light blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[BUILDER]" to run:
                execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set builder"
            format gui slot 38 of player with blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[PREMIUM]"
            format gui slot 39 of player with light blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &b[MVP]"
            format gui slot 40 of player with green wool named "&7rank &e%arg-1% &7to &a[VIP+]"
            format gui slot 41 of player with lime wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &a[VIP]"
            format gui slot 42 of player with light gray wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &7[DEFAULT]"

Sorry for the late reply by the way :emoji_slight_smile:

I'm making a rank skript but when I make a command inside a gui it has an error that says: '<none> is not a specified player'. The thing goes like this:

format gui slot 23 of player with purple wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &d[MODERATOR]" to run:
   execute player command "lp user %arg-1% parent set moderator"

Can anyone see what's wrong?


- TheCringleYT

instead of putting "arg-1", put "args 1"
Well I have been making skript gui's but um I hope this works I got it from someone answering my question. I didn't make a close button so you will have to either add that yourself or just press esc when you are done with the gui.
command /rank <player>:
    permission: admin.rank
        if arg-1 is set:
            set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 rows with name "Ranking"
            set slot 19 of {_gui} to red wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[OWNER]"
            set slot 20 of {_gui} to yellow wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &e[CO-OWNER]"
            set slot 21 of {_gui} to orange wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[MANAGER]"
            set slot 22 of {_gui} to orange wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &c[ADMINISTRATOR]"
            set slot 23 of {_gui} to purple wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &d[MODERATOR]"
            set slot 24 of {_gui} to blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[HELPER]"
            set slot 25 of {_gui} to light blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[BUILDER]"
            set slot 38 of {_gui} to blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &9[PREMIUM]"
            set slot 39 of {_gui} to light blue wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &b[MVP]"
            set slot 40 of {_gui} to green wool named "&7rank &e%arg-1% &7to &a[VIP+]"
            set slot 41 of {_gui} to lime wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &a[VIP]"
            set slot 42 of {_gui} to light gray wool named "&7Rank &e%arg-1% &7to &7[DEFAULT]"
on inventory click:
    if name of event-inventory is "Ranking":
        if index of event-slot = 19:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set owner"
        if index of event-slot = 20:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set coowner"
        if index of event-slot = 21:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set manager"
        if index of event-slot = 22:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set admin"
        if index of event-slot = 23:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set moderator"
        if index of event-slot = 24:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set helper"
        if index of event-slot = 25:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set builder"
        if index of event-slot = 38:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set premium"
        if index of event-slot = 39:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set mvp"
        if index of event-slot = 40:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set vip+"
        if index of event-slot = 41:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set vip"
        if index of event-slot = 42:
            cancel event
            execute console command "lp user %arg-1% parent set default"
anyone know why when i type /pvp it lets it pass instantly instead of a 5 second cooldown
command /pvp:
set {_waited} to difference between {pvp.%player%.lastused} and now
if {_waited} is less than 5 seconds:
send "&r&cPlease wait %difference between 5 seconds and {_waited}% seconds and try again." to player
if {pvp.%player%} is false:
set {pvp.%player%} to true
set {pvptoggle.%player%} to "&r&6&lDisable PvP &r&7(Right Click)"
wait 1 tick
set {_waited} to difference between {pvp.%player%.lastused} and now
set {pvp.%player%} to false
set {pvptoggle.%player%} to "&r&6&lEnable PvP &r&7(Right Click)"
wait 1 tick
set {_waited} to difference between {pvp.%player%.lastused} and now
[doublepost=1603523268,1603522055][/doublepost]nvm figured it out thanks
Ok, You're welcome :emoji_grinning:
(I didn't test it because I was away from my main computer)
yo are you on
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