Category: Combat - Skript
Suggested name: Combat Log
What I want:
I want a simple one that makes it so in when you hit someone, the victim gets a message in chat saying "You have been hit, Don't log out - 10 seconds left" if they log out in that 10 seconds, and log back in, they will die for Combat Logging. If the timer goes to 0, it will say "You can safely log out now"
Ideas for commands:
No Commands
Ideas for permissions:
No Permissions
When I'd like it by: Asap - Please
Suggested name: Combat Log
What I want:
I want a simple one that makes it so in when you hit someone, the victim gets a message in chat saying "You have been hit, Don't log out - 10 seconds left" if they log out in that 10 seconds, and log back in, they will die for Combat Logging. If the timer goes to 0, it will say "You can safely log out now"
Ideas for commands:
No Commands
Ideas for permissions:
No Permissions
When I'd like it by: Asap - Please