Chestsell Help

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New Member
Aug 12, 2019
Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.4-beta5-MH
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.14
Full Code:

on sign change:
    if line 1 is "[ChestSell]":
        set line 1 to "&6&lCHESTSELL SIGN"
        set line 2 to "&f%player%&7's island"
        message "&aYou have created a ChestSell"

on rightclick on wall sign:
    if block at block behind event-block is a chest or trapped chest:
        if line 1 of event-block is "&6&lCHESTSELL SIGN":
            set {chestloc.%player%} to location of event-block
            loop all items in inventory of block at block under clicked block:
                send "&7You sold &f%item amount of loop-item%&7 for &f$100" to player
                remove loop-item from inventory of block at block under clicked block

Errors on Reload:
N/A - No errors on reload, but when I try to right-click the chest with the chestsell sign on it, it does not remove the contents

Console Errors: (if applicable)

Addons using (including versions):
Skellett 1.9.5a-minehut, skRayFall 1.9.18, SkQuery 3.6.4MH, TuSKe 1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3


Have you tried searching the docs? Yes.
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes.
What other methods have you tried to fix it? I have tried to use all syntaxes for looping an area of blocks around the chestsell sign, I have also used broadcast to find out what bits of the right click on side skript is bad, it appears to be the "if block at block behind event-block is a chest or trapped chest:" bit

Please help me figure this out!
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