Solved Checking if any players are online

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Active Member
Apr 20, 2018
I want to broadcast a message every 5(might change it to higher but that doesn't really matter now) minutes but i don't wanna spam the console if no one is even online, so how would i check if any players are online?
I tried this:
Every 5 minutes:
    loop all players:
        add loop-player to {is::online}
    if size of {is::online} is not 0:
        broadcast "Message i want to broadcast every 5 minutes if at least 1 player is online."
But that doesn't work. :7 (Error is something like this: "'::emoji_astonished:nline}' is not a item data" or something along the lines)

Skript version: 2.2-dev25
Minecraft version: 1.8.8
Addons: SkQuery(3.21.4) skript-mirror(0.12.1)
I want to broadcast a message every 5(might change it to higher but that doesn't really matter now) minutes but i don't wanna spam the console if no one is even online, so how would i check if any players are online?
I tried this:
Every 5 minutes:
    loop all players:
        add loop-player to {is::online}
    if size of {is::online} is not 0:
        broadcast "Message i want to broadcast every 5 minutes if at least 1 player is online."
But that doesn't work. :7 (Error is something like this: "'::emoji_astonished:nline}' is not a item data" or something along the lines)

Skript version: 2.2-dev25
Minecraft version: 1.8.8
Addons: SkQuery(3.21.4) skript-mirror(0.12.1)
or just do:
loop all players:
    add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} is greater than or equal to 1:
or just do:
loop all players:
    add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} is greater than or equal to 1:
Wouldn't that add 1 to count even if no one is online? Also, would it add 1 for every looped player? (If it does add one for every looped player then this should work because if no one is online it'll add 1 to count 0 times, right?)
Wouldn't that add 1 to count even if no one is online? Also, would it add 1 for every looped player? (If it does add one for every looped player then this should work because if no one is online it'll add 1 to count 0 times, right?)
loop all players only loops online players so if there's 0 players the "loop all players" thing won't add anything to {_count}
And yes, add 1 for every player (sorry for my bad English, so tired rn)
u dont need to loop
if size of all players is greater than 0:
loop all players only loops online players so if there's 0 players the "loop all players" thing won't add anything to {_count}
And yes, add 1 for every player (sorry for my bad English, so tired rn)
Okay, thanks for the information. :emoji_slight_smile:
u dont need to loop
if size of all players is greater than 0:
Oh, okay. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
lol i forgot that way xD
Lol. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
Tested, works and solved. :emoji_slight_smile:
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