Checking for number of Players

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Dec 27, 2023
Hey. I'm trying to check for the number of players but if you do set {vasriable} to {variable} + 1 or something like that. IT doesn't work.
I tried so many things, if someone has a fix for this. Please tell me.
on every tick:
loop all players in radius 3 around location -22.5, 111.5, 13.5 world "world":
if block below loop-player is gold block:
send "%loop-value%" to loop-player
Hey. I'm trying to check for the number of players but if you do set {vasriable} to {variable} + 1 or something like that. IT doesn't work.
I tried so many things, if someone has a fix for this. Please tell me.
on every tick:
loop all players in radius 3 around location -22.5, 111.5, 13.5 world "world":
if block below loop-player is gold block:
send "%loop-value%" to loop-player
You can accomplish this with ease using a list variable. I wrote a simple few lines of code below to show how it's done.
command onlineplayers:
      loop all players:
         add loop-player to {_online::*} # Add each player to this list! Player1 will be define as {_online::1}, which will be useful later on!
      set {_n} to size of {_online::*} # Sets this to the size (Or how many players were added) of the online list variable!
      send "&aThere are currently &d%{_n}% &aplayers online!" to player
# [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)
# [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players
# vanilla skript

command /onlineplayers:
        send "&aThere are &c%online player count%&a players online!"

Untested but should work :emoji_slight_smile:
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