Checkers board game with Armor Stands and Skript

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death source

New Member
Jun 25, 2020
Have you always wanted to play board games with your friends, but find it impossible to do so on Minecraft? Welcome to Skript Checkers!

View attachment 6091

Permission: (permission name) - Permission needed for Checkers commands.
Prefix: (prefix) - Prefix in the commands

/Checkers Spawn - Spawns a checkers game
/Checkers Despawn - Despawns target checkers game
/Checkers Help - Sends the help message
/Checkers Removesingle - Removes target armor stand
/Checkers Despawnall - Removes all checkers-related armor stands
/Checkers Blackchecker - Spawns a new black checker
/Checkers Whitechecker - Spawns a new white checker

Right click on a checker to make it lift up, move around until it's in the right place, and right click again, it'll go down to the board. If anything goes wrong despawn the board and respawn it.

Skript (+2.5)
Skbee (+1.10)

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Hi! I already left review on spigotmc.
Really enjoyed this skript. I updated code for Skript 2.7.3 + SkBee 3.0.1 and tuned some stuff.
Made more consistent and predictable way to spawn a board - it spawns on player's target block. It configured to spawn on low half block, as it turned out to be most comfortable height for gameplay.
Board now can be spawned indoors or under roofs
Added "kings" support! Player should do RMB click on a checker with a stick in hand to turn it into the king!
Added multiple boards support
Added sound and particle effects
Skript was very well greeted by players on my fantasy rpg server!


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