Change yaw of armorstand

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2017
I want change yaw of armostand in skript:

It worked with RandomSK but now I want to find something newer

while vehicle of {_p} is {_target}:
set {_lok1} to {_p}'s location
set {_lok2} to {_target}'s location
set {_yaw} to yaw of {_lok1}
set yaw of {_lok2} to {_yaw}
I want change yaw of armostand in skript:

It worked with RandomSK but now I want to find something newer

while vehicle of {_p} is {_target}:
set {_lok1} to {_p}'s location
set {_lok2} to {_target}'s location
set {_yaw} to yaw of {_lok1}
set yaw of {_lok2} to {_yaw}

As i know , you can do that with the default skript.
[the] (yaw|pitch) of %locations%
%locations%'[s] (yaw|pitch)

set yaw of player's location to 60
set pitch of player's location to 90
I use this code for a chair script I made, you need Skutilities
add "{Rotation:[%player's yaw%f,0f]}" to nbt of {_chair}
Oh whoops totally got the wrong addon there, I see you figured that out, as for the errors it might have to do with the fact that you're on 1.10, but your best bet to figure that out is probably to send that log over to the addon dev he might be able to help you out
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Reactions: MrNygus
Oh whoops totally got the wrong addon there, I see you figured that out, as for the errors it might have to do with the fact that you're on 1.10, but your best bet to figure that out is probably to send that log over to the addon dev he might be able to help you out

Ok love you <3 that's works! xd
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