Solved Change GUI Item on click

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2017
command /settings:
    description: Settings Command
        wait 1 tick
        open chest with 1 row named "&nSettings Menu" to player
        wait 2 ticks
        format gui slot 0 of player with 1 paper named "&c&lJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &aTrue" to close
        format gui slot 1 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 2 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 3 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 4 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 5 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 6 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 8 of player with 1 barrier named "&cClose Menu" to close
on block place of player head:
    cancel event
on inventory click:
    if name of clicked item is "&c&lJoin Messages":
        if {Joinmessages} is not set:
            set {Joinmessages} to "True"
            set slot 0 of clicked inventory to 1 paper named "&c&lJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &aEnabled"
            send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &a&nenabled&r &7Join Messages"
            if {Joinmessages} is set:
                delete {Joinmessages}
                set slot 0 of clicked inventory to 1 paper named "&c&lJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &cDisabled"
                send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &c&ndisabled&r &7Join Messages"
[doublepost=1502747653,1502746557][/doublepost]Ok, I have fixed it by myself, but how do I make it so that when the clicked dye is changed, it stays that way when reopening the inventory?

command /settings:
    description: Settings Command
        wait 1 tick
        open chest with 1 row named "&nSettings Menu" to player
        wait 2 ticks
        format gui slot 0 of player with 1 gray dye named "&eJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &7N/A"
        format gui slot 1 of player with 1 gray dye named "&eLeave Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &7N/A"
        format gui slot 3 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 4 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 5 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 6 of player with 1 gray dye named "&cComing Soon" to close
        format gui slot 8 of player with 1 barrier named "&cClose Menu" to close
on block place of player head:
    cancel event
on inventory click:
    if name of clicked item is "&eJoin Messages":
        if {Joinmessages} is not set:
            set {Joinmessages} to "True"
            set slot 0 of clicked inventory to 1 light green dye named "&eJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &aEnabled"
            send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &a&nenabled&r &7Join Messages"
            if {Joinmessages} is set:
                delete {Joinmessages}
                set slot 0 of clicked inventory to 1 gray dye named "&eJoin Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &cDisabled"
                send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &c&ndisabled&r &7Join Messages"
    if name of clicked item is "&eLeave Messages":
        if {Leavemessages} is not set:
            set {Leavemessages} to "True"
            set slot 1 of clicked inventory to 1 light green dye named "&eLeave Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &aEnabled"
            send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &a&nenabled&r &7Leave Messages"
            if {Leavemessages} is set:
                delete {Leavemessages}
                set slot 1 of clicked inventory to 1 gray dye named "&eLeave Messages" with lore "||&7Condition: &cDisabled"
                send "&cSettings &8&l» &7You have &c&ndisabled&r &7Leave Messages"
instead of setting the slot down in the inventory click event, make the line make the player execute your /settings command to refresh the GUI, then underneath where you have slot 0 formatted, add an IF statement to check if the variable is true. And if it is format the slot to green dye with your enabled lore etc^-^
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