Solved "can't be added to {items::*} because the former is not an object"

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Jul 5, 2019
I am currently making a skript for a certain group of items randomly placed within a chest. I added some possible items I wanted in the list variable {items::*} and it doesn't seem to be working. (I checked to make sure my aliases were correct.
on load:
    add diamond, iron ingot, gold ingot, apple, bottle o' experience, lapis, book, feather, flint, stick, arrow, red mushroom, brown mushroom, bowl, mushroom stew, bow, iron sword, stone sword, wooden sword, wooden axe, stone axe, golden axe, golden sword, iron axe, steak, cooked porkchop, rotten flesh, poisonous potato, string, apple, golden apple, bread, and cooked chicken to {items::*}

error: "can't be added to {items::*} because the former is not an object"
Which version of Skript are you running?
If you are running 2.3.x or later, "bottle o' experience" is wrong
Here are the aliases for that:
(bottle[s] o' enchanting|xp bottle¦s|experience bottle¦s)
I am currently making a skript for a certain group of items randomly placed within a chest. I added some possible items I wanted in the list variable {items::*} and it doesn't seem to be working. (I checked to make sure my aliases were correct.
on load:
    add diamond, iron ingot, gold ingot, apple, bottle o' experience, lapis, book, feather, flint, stick, arrow, red mushroom, brown mushroom, bowl, mushroom stew, bow, iron sword, stone sword, wooden sword, wooden axe, stone axe, golden axe, golden sword, iron axe, steak, cooked porkchop, rotten flesh, poisonous potato, string, apple, golden apple, bread, and cooked chicken to {items::*}

error: "can't be added to {items::*} because the former is not an object"
I recommend adding a few items per line, so you can see which item causes the issue.
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