Discord Thread Cannot loop java list, array, dict, etc with skript-reflect

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord

function getshortprefix(prefix: text) :: text:
    {_pattern} = Pattern.compile("&[0-9a-fA-Fk-or]")
    {_matcher} = {_pattern}.matcher({_prefix})
    loop {_matcher}.find(): #Skript says, this is a single value, so it cant loop
        {_lastcolorcode} = {_matcher}.group()
    return {_lastcolorcode}

Posted by: Sussy Man from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
skript version: dev37c
hey ducky, what's the problem in this code:

function getshortprefix(prefix: text) :: text:
    {_pattern} = Pattern.compile("&[0-9a-fA-Fk-or]")
    {_matcher} = {_pattern}.matcher({_prefix})
    loop {_matcher}.find(): #Skript says, this is a single value, so it cant loop
        {_lastcolorcode} = {_matcher}.group()
    return {_lastcolorcode}

Posted by: Sussy Man from the skUnity Discord.
{_var} = something is not assignment, it's a condition that checks for equality; use set {_var} to something

2. The org.bukkit.Bukkit import is useless
3. looping Matcher#find() makes no sense; did you mean
while Matcher.find()
4. Using Regex for this seems a bit over the top. Have you considered starting from the end of the string and looping all characters backwards until you find a colour code? Or https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/ChatColor.html#getLastColors(java.lang.String) which does the exact same thing?
5. Why are you using 2.2-dev37c? It's incredibly old. If you are using 1.8, consider Matocolotoe's fork
And, for future reference:
6. To convert a Java array or Collection/Iterable/blah blah, you can do
loop ...{_hello this is an array}: (the ...
convert it to a Skript list)

Posted by: mr_darth from the skUnity Discord.
You dont need 6 since you arent dealing with an actual collection are you
Also you only import

Posted by: mr_darth from the skUnity Discord.
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