Can someone add onto this skript?

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Active Member
Oct 19, 2023
Can someone make it so this dash skript dashes the player based on the name of the tool their using instead of the item?

on rightclick with a gold hoe:

function Dash(p: player):
set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid
if {dash.last::%{_u}%} is set:
set {_wait} to difference between {dash.last::%{_u}%} and now
set {_wait} to {@Cooldown}
if {_wait} >= {@Cooldown}:
set {dash.last::%{_u}%} to now
if {_p} is on ground:
push {_p} forwards at speed {@Speed}
push {_p} forwards at speed {@Speed} / 2
send action bar "&cCD: %difference between {_wait} and {@Cooldown}% left" to {_p}
on rightclick:
    name of player's tool is "golden hoe"
Ty also this might seem desperate but can u also fix this skript for me?

I need it so the giant spawns where the player is looking and has a configurable cooldown. If you dont want to its fine :emoji_grinning:

# Sounds

success: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 to the player
fail: play sound "entity.bat.death" with volume 1 to the player
tpsound: play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 2 to player
giantsound: play sound "" with volume 1 to the player

on right click:
if player's held item is netherite sword:
if name of player's held item is "&6xTerra Blade":
send action bar "&b-150 Mana &7(&aEarth &6Slam&7)" to player
spawn giant at location of player
set name of last spawned entity to "Dinnerbone"
apply invisibility 1 to last spawned entity for 999 minutes
add "{NoAI:1b}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set tool of last spawned giant to diamond sword
play huge explosion at the player
damage all entities in radius 50 around player by 12 hearts
wait 2 seconds
set tool of last spawned giant to air
wait 2 tick
kill last spawned giant