BungeeCord Issues

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Mar 25, 2017
Hello, I know there is a topic model but I find it useless in this case.
Is there anyway to send a player to another bungeecord server? SkellettProxy doesn't work for me.
Hello, I know there is a topic model but I find it useless in this case.
Is there anyway to send a player to another bungeecord server? SkellettProxy doesn't work for me.
SkellettProxy is one of the few addons that works with bungee. It works for most people so something must be conflicting on your end.
I actually made a thread and the developer kinda refused to help as long as he just said it's my fault and didn't respond anymore. I guess bump?
I actually made a thread and the developer kinda refused to help as long as he just said it's my fault and didn't respond anymore. I guess bump?
maybe tried to delete your Skellett File and update skellett and start from beginn (YOu need enable somewhere Skellettproxy Bungee enabled), just take a look inside of Skellett file Config.
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maybe tried to delete your Skellett File and update skellett and start from beginn (YOu need enable somewhere Skellettproxy Bungee enabled), just take a look inside of Skellett file Config.
I tried that. I tried everything. Tried changing my IP, even tried reinstalling my operating system. Nothing worked. Bump :<
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