Break block using player's tool

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2017
I'm trying to break the block using player's tool.

but I found this in skellett syntaxes

- '[skellett] break %block% [naturally] [(with|using) %-itemstack%]'

and also found this

break targeted block naturally

Skellett breaks bedrock, I didn't check the randomsk (don't have it), I know I can check if the mined block is bedrock, but I want an effect that will make the player mine it, not the addon.
So you want the skript make the player break the block with their tool?

Not sure what your event is, but you could try something like this:

on rightclick with diamond pickaxe:
    set {_block} to targeted block
    loop 10 times:
        show block break stage loop-number at {_block}
        wait 10 ticks
    break {_block}
So you want the skript make the player break the block with their tool?

Not sure what your event is, but you could try something like this:

on rightclick with diamond pickaxe:
     set {_block} to targeted block
     loop 10 times:
         show block break stage loop-number at {_block}
         wait 10 ticks
     break {_block}
on click with diamond pickaxe:
    loop 10 times:
        show block break stage loop-index at targeted block
        wait a tick
    skellett break clicked block naturally using player's tool
So you want the skript make the player break the block with their tool?

Not sure what your event is, but you could try something like this:

on rightclick with diamond pickaxe:
    set {_block} to targeted block
    loop 10 times:
        show block break stage loop-number at {_block}
        wait 10 ticks
    break {_block}

Yea, I want the player mine the block not the addon, just like the code
make victim damage attack except make player mine block etc.

on click with diamond pickaxe:
    loop 10 times:
        show block break stage loop-index at targeted block
        wait a tick
    skellett break clicked block naturally using player's tool

Skellett breaks bedrock, I know I can check what the block is and the proceed to mine it, but I don't want to do that.
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