Booster Skript (Help Is Still Needed)

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New Member
Apr 6, 2020
So I have asked for help here before with the same thing, and got help, now i changed the skript like really much and I need help with the same thing: The players can execute the command while a booster is set. All help is appreciated. (If you didn't understand, I mean that when players have 2 boosters, they can run both at the same time. This is the code:
on join:
    {booster.%Player%} isn't set
    set {booster.%player%} to false
    set {booster.n.%player%} to 0
command /booster:
    aliases: /boosters
        wait 5 ticks
        open chest with 3 rows named "&cBoosters" to player
        format slot 12 of player with paper named "&c%{booster.n.%player%}% &7Booster(s)" with lore "&7You currently own &c%{booster.n.%player%}% &7Booster(s).||&7Purchase at &c/shop||&7||&7&oClick me to use a booster" to run  [make player execute command "/boosteruse"]
        format slot 14 of player with book named "&9&lBooster &7Info" with lore "&7What is a Boooster?||&7||&7&oA thing you can buy that||&7&ogives you more money||&7&owhen you kill someone.||&7&oIt lasts for 1 hour." to close
        format slot 22 of player with redstone block named "&cClose" to close
        format slot 0 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 1 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 2 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 3 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 4 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 5 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 6 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 7 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 8 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 9 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 17 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 18 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 19 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 20 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 21 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 23 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 24 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 25 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 26 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close
        format slot 21 of player with Red stained glass named "&eDecoration" to close

command /boosteruse:
        if {booster} is not set:
        if {booster.n.%player%} is more than or equal to 1:
            remove 1 from {booster.n.%player%}
            make console execute command "sk enable killermoney2"
            make console execute command "sk disable killermoney"
            set {booster} to true
            broadcast "&8"
            broadcast "&8[&cNight&8] &c%player% &7Activated a &9&lBalance Booster&7! &f(&c/shop&f)"
            broadcast "&8"
            wait 1 hour
            make console execute command "sk disable killermoney2"
            make console execute command "sk enable killermoney"
            broadcast "&8[&cNight&8] &7The &9&lBalance Booster &7has ended."
            set {booster} to false
        else if {booster} is set:
            send  "&8[&cNight&8] &7There is already a running booster."
        if {booster.n.%player%} is equal to 0:
            message "&8[&cNight&8] &7You dont have any boosters to use!"
command /givebooster <player>:
    usage: &c/givebooster <player>
        if sender has permission "boost.admin":
            add 1 to {booster.n.%arg-1%}
            send "&8[&cNight&8] &7You now have &c%{booster.n.%arg-1%}% &7booster(s) available!" to arg 1

command /endbooster:
  permission: boost.admin
  permission message: §8[§cNight§8] §7You do not have permission to end this booster.
    delete {booster}
    make console execute command "sk enable killermoney"
    make console execute command "sk disable killermoney2"
    message "&8[&cNight&8] &7You successfully ended the &cBooster."
    broadcast "&8[&cNight&8] &c%player% &7has force-ended the &9&lBalance Booster&7."
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