Asynchronous Block Placement

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Addon Developer
Jan 25, 2017
Here is a snippet that allows you to place blocks in a cuboid asynchronously (and therefore without lag, great for minigames and many other uses)
on script load:
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion"
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector" as {WorldEditVector}
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession"
  import "com.boydti.fawe.FaweAPI"
  import "com.boydti.fawe.util.EditSessionBuilder"
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock"
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.patterns.BlockChance"
  import "java.util.Arrays"
  import "com.sk89q.worldedit.patterns.RandomFillPattern"
  import ""

function getRegion(pos1: location, pos2: location) :: object:
  loop 1 and 2:
    set {_vec::%loop-num%} to new {WorldEditVector}(x-loc of {_pos%loop-num%}, y-loc of {_pos%loop-num%} and z-loc of {_pos%loop-num%})
  return new {CuboidRegion}({_vec::*})

function getBaseBlock(block: itemtype) :: object:
  return new {BaseBlock}({_block}.getRandom().getTypeId() and {_block}.getRandom().getData().getData())

function getBlockChance(block: itemtype, chance: number) :: object:
  return new {BlockChance}(getBaseBlock({_block}) and {_chance})

function getWorld(world: world) :: object:
  return {FaweAPI}.getWorld("%{_world}%")

function getEditSession(world: world) :: object:
  return new {EditSessionBuilder}(getWorld({_world})).fastmode(true).build()

function setBlocks(pos1: location, pos2: location, block: object) :: boolean:
  set {_session} to getEditSession(world of {_pos1})
  set {_args::*} to getRegion({_pos1}, {_pos2}) and getBaseBlock({_block})
  if {_block} is a text:
    loop split {_block} at ",":
      set {_it::*} to join (split loop-value at "%%") with " " parsed as "%integer% %item%"
      if {_it::*} is set:
        add getBlockChance({_it::2}, {_it::1}) to {_c::*}
        delete {_it::*}
        return false
    set {_args::*} to getRegion({_pos1}, {_pos2})
    add new {RandomFillPattern}({Arrays}.stream([{_c::*} as (java type "%{BlockChance}%")]).collect({Collectors}.toList())) to {_args::*}
  return true

  • Basic:
    setBlocks({corner one}, {corner two}, dirt)

  • Patterns:
    setBlocks({corner one}, {corner two}, "50%%dirt,25%%air,25%%diamond ore")
  • skript-mirror
  • Fast Async WorldEdit
Last edited:
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Reactions: KingAlterIV
Is there any way to count the blocks in progress?
Not as far as I know. If you can find a method for it in the FAWE api, I'll try to implement it. You can use skquery to get the total amount of blocks however that could cause a bit of lag if the region is large
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Reactions: glowgrew
For updated skript-mirror version
Tested on Skript Dev36 and skript-mirror 0.16.0
    com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector as WorldEditVector

function getRegion(pos1: location, pos2: location) :: object:
    loop 1 and 2:
        set {_vec::%loop-value%} to new WorldEditVector((x-coord of {_pos%loop-value%}), (y-coord of {_pos%loop-value%}) and (z-coord of {_pos%loop-value%}))
    return new CuboidRegion({_vec::*})

function getBaseBlock(block: itemtype) :: object:
    return new BaseBlock({_block}.getRandom().getTypeId() and {_block}.getRandom().getData().getData())

function getBlockChance(block: itemtype, chance: number) :: object:
    return new BlockChance(getBaseBlock({_block}) and {_chance})

function getWorld(world: world) :: object:
    return FaweAPI.getWorld("%{_world}%")

function getEditSession(world: world) :: object:
    return new EditSessionBuilder(getWorld({_world})).fastmode(true).build()

function setBlocks(pos1: location, pos2: location, block: object) :: boolean:
    set {_session} to getEditSession(world of {_pos1})
    set {_args::*} to getRegion({_pos1}, {_pos2}) and getBaseBlock({_block})
    if {_block} is a text:
        loop split {_block} at ",":
            set {_it::*} to join (split loop-value at "%%") with " " parsed as "%integer% %item%"
            if {_it::*} is set:
                add getBlockChance({_it::2}, {_it::1}) to {_c::*}
                delete {_it::*}
                return false
        set {_args::*} to getRegion({_pos1}, {_pos2})
        add new RandomFillPattern([{_c::*}]).collect(Collectors.toList())) to {_args::*}
    return true