Solved As op not working

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Jun 7, 2017
command /sgjsgiadgfha [<player>]:
    executable by: console
        make arg 1 execute command "nbdtool give %arg 1% hoe lightning 1" as op
        make arg 1 execute command "nbdtool give %arg 1% hoe sand 1" as op
        make arg 1 execute command "nbdtool give %arg 1% pickaxe tray 1" as op
I am trying to make it so console can run a command to give people these tools. You probably are like why dont you just make the console run the commands its because those commands dont work in console for some reason already told the plugin author but that will probably take a while so I tried making a skript. I dont want players to be able to do the command given so thats why I need as op but doesnt seem to work probably because console is executing it? Help me please!
Yeah but with those effects you can just use run arg-1 cmd "nbdtool give %arg 1% hoe lightning 1" as op or make arg-1 run cmd "nbdtool give %arg 1% hoe lightning 1" as op
okay just curious, #1 what is your error? Or what exactly is not working?
#2 do you have skutilities? Because the "as op" requires that
As op is not apart of skutilities I dont have that as op works Thanks @TPGamesNL it worked

um..... not really sure what you are talking about as it IS part of skutilities
um..... not really sure what you are talking about as it IS part of skutilities
It isn't part of skUtilities, the documentation is outdated.

You shouldn't use run as op anyways, if the server crashes while they have OP (something hackers can do easily), they will keep it. You're better off giving the specific permission for that command and then removing it.
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