Deleted member 5254
I will try this soon.
How do I use this function?Try this
Code:options: time: 15 function CombatTag(a: player, v: player): {_a} is not {_v} if {combatLog::%{_v}%} is not set: set {combatLog::%{_v}%} to {@time} set {combatLog::%{_a}%} to {@time} send "&2You are in combat" to {_v} else: if {combatLog::%{_a}%} is not set: set {combatLog::%{_a}%} to {@time} send "&2You are in combat" to {_a} set {combatLog::%{_v}%} to {@time} if {combatLog::%{_v}%} is greater than 1: loop {@time}: remove 1 from {combatLog::%{_a}%} remove 1 from {combatLog::%{_v}%} wait 1 second set actionbar of {_a} to "&2You have %{@time}% seconds left in combat" set actionbar of {_v} to "&2You have %{@time}% seconds left in combat" else: set actionbar of {_a} to "" set actionbar of {_v} to "" send "&2You are no longer on combat" to {_v} send "&2You are no longer on combat" to {_a}
not tested.