Adding a new json line

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Try that please:
on chat:
    cancel event
    json("@a", "&8[&7%{Class.%player%}%&8] &7%player's display name% &8&l»||ttp:%player%'s Stats %nl% &fCoins: &e%{upgradepoints::%player%}%||sgt:/msg %player%|| &f%message%")
hmm. Maybe just try getting a fresh install on all of your skript stuff relating to this. load the server without it, then add it back and reload again. kinda like unplugging it and plugging it back in.
Some OS don't use the same character for a new line, try using \n (or maybe \\n) and if that doesn't work, you can try the following with Skript-Mirror:
set {_new-line} to (class "java.lang.System").getProperty("line.separator")
Then using the new line variable in your text should (sorry for the redundancy here, I just wanted to clarify it at all) make a new line.
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