Solved Add Permission to player

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Active Member
Apr 24, 2017
How do I add a permission to a player?

Here's what I have so far:

format slot 10 of player with iron ore named "&c&lIron" with lore "&e&oClick here to unlock||&e&othe ability to mine||&e&oiron ore!||||&fPrice: &a$&c{@ironPrice}||" to close then run [add permission {@ironPerm} to player]->[subtract {@ironPrice} from player's money]->[broadcast "&e&l&o%player% &a&ohas bought the ability to mine &6iron ore!"]
do you have any plugins like expermission or Groupmanager or somethings?
do you have any plugins like expermission or Groupmanager or somethings?
Yeah I have groupmanager, but I want to release it on Spigot. Therefore people may have different perm plugins. If there is no way, thats ok :emoji_slight_smile:
Yeah I have groupmanager, but I want to release it on Spigot. Therefore people may have different perm plugins. If there is no way, thats ok :emoji_slight_smile:
Im think there is no way... only way is, you need create a selfmade "Permission" skript with variables or YaML, checking if player has permission some like this way:

command /permission:
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if arg-2 is set:
                arg-3 is set
                set {Permission::%arg-2%::%arg-3%} to true

#then checking if player got permission
if {} is true:
    send "he got this permission"
    send "Nope :/"

So, i think most of people use Groupmanager or Permission EX.
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Im think there is no way... only way is, you need create a selfmade "Permission" skript with variables or YaML, checking if player has permission some like this way:

command /permission:
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if arg-2 is set:
                arg-3 is set
                set {Permission::%arg-2%::%arg-3%} to true

#then checking if player got permission
if {} is true:
    send "he got this permission"
    send "Nope :/"

So, i think most of people use Groupmanager or Permission EX.
Thanks for the help :emoji_grinning:
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