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I'll make everything in here gladly, contact me on skype: Jacobmc0804
Now I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I need to say something here, right now.
Side note, don't let this change your point of view of me as a member, user, and writer of Skript.
Now I see that it is nice of you to offer your services to this user but this user has over 90 posts and 90% of them are request threads asking for simple to complex things. This user is driving me and a lot of community members (that I know of) insane and needs to get off of his ass and learn some god damn Skript. I understand and find it nice that people offer their services as Skript writers to other people who need help but this user is an exception. @Adrihun has the 5th most posts on SkUnity and they are all from requesting threads. Now I request a thread lock, or user (temp) ban as this user needs to learn something instead of having people baby him. If they want someone to write a bunch of stuff then they should post a thread in the Hiring Section. Please don't remove this post but at last warn me before you do so I can make this its own thread. This user needs to learn something and not request everything. If you agree with me then just click the agree button. If not, then please explain why. Thank You.
It is true that i make a lot of request posts but i don't know how to start learning it, i went on skunity forums and typed in 'scoreboard' into the search bar, i read some examples but i do not know how to add the pex rank to it, it doesn't tell me that, does it?

This is why you read the documents, start making simple skripts, then go into advanced skripts. I'm also getting insane because of this. I would help and spoonfeed you, but I decided not to, because of the threads you make daily.

Simple Skripts
command /sethome:
        set {home.%uuid of player%} to location of player
        message "Home set to %{home.%uuid of player%}%"

command /home:
        if {home.%uuid of player%} is set:
            teleport player to {home.%uuid of player%}
            message "Your home is not set"

command /delhome:
        if {home.%uuid of player%} is set:
            delete {home.%uuid of player%}
            message "Home removed."
            message "Your home is not found."

Advanced Skripts
CSGO Crates by @LimeGlass
    #This is the name of the crate
    name: "&6Crates System"
on rightclick on jukebox:
    cancel event
    open chest with 3 rows named {@name} to player
    #Add your items below
    #If you want to adjust the percent of an item. Add more of the other items.
   #So if you want to make beacons rare. Add every item except beacon again. This raises the chance to get a different item than beacon.
    add stone, diamond, diamond sword, gold block, redstone, redstone block, beacon, name tag, emerald and gravel to {_roll::*}
    add dirt named "&6DIRT" to {_roll::*}
    #Speed option safety net, so running 0 ticks doesn't crash your server.
    #This is basically how fast the rolling starts (Should be higher than 0)
    set {_speedFinal} to 2
    #Selector settings (Where the selectors should be)
    set {_Selector1} to 4
    set {_Selector2} to 22
    #Main code below. This random integer is the time length of the crate opening, which is random.
    loop (random integer between 21 and 50) times:
        #If they close their inventory stop the system
        if inventory name of player's current inventory is not {@name}:
        #The {_sel} tells the script how many item slots there are, in order to save them.
        set {_sel} to 21
        loop {_sel} times:
            #This is the data saving for the scroll effect
            set {_sel2} to {_sel} - 1
            set {_item::%{_sel}%} to {_item::%{_sel2}%}
            subtract 1 from {_sel}
        #Grab a new item from the options
        set {_item::1} to a random element out of {_roll::*}
        #This below just updates the GUI
        loop integers between 0 and inventory size of player's current inventory - 1:
            if loop-number-2 is {_Selector1} or {_Selector2}:
                set slot loop-number-2 of player's current inventory to shiny light green stained glass pane named " "
                set slot loop-number-2 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named " "
            loop 9 times:
                set slot 8 + loop-number-3 of player's current inventory to {_item::%loop-number-3%}
        #This below is just sound. It plays it for the player.
        add 1 to {_sound}
        if {_sound} > 3:
            set {_sound} to 1
        if {_sound} = 1:
            play BLOCK_NOTE_PLING for player with volume 1 and pitch 4
        else if {_sound} = 2:
            play BLOCK_NOTE_PLING for player with volume 1 and pitch 3
        else if {_sound} = 3:
            play BLOCK_NOTE_PLING for player with volume 1 and pitch 1
        add 1 to {_speed}
        #This below causes the crate to slow down when it gets closer to the end of the animation. The greater the {_speed} test, the longer the tick delay will be.
        #Meaning it will slow down more of the speed every X number of updates.
        if {_speed} is 5:
            set {_speed} to 0
            add 1 to {_speedFinal}
        loop {_speedFinal} times:
            wait a tick
    #This is where you can give players or test for which item has won and give stuff based on that item.
    set {_wonItem} to slot 13 of player's current inventory
    message "You won %{_wonItem}%"
    give player {_wonItem}
#This is just a system so that they can't steal any of the items
on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is {@name}:
        cancel event
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