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  1. F

    cancel event not working

    Hey guys! I did a shop, and i can take out item from the shop and dont even taking away my points. Heres the code: and if i try to click on it, i can just move around and get the block, place it down everything. And i dont know whats the problem with the skript.
  2. L

    I need a crate skript

    I can't find any with the following: -Being able to set chances below 1% (though it is nto extremely necesary it would be nice) -Being able to add custom items (such as potions or enchanted things) with a command /additem (crate) (chance) -Being able to set the crates to a block, such a chest...
  3. jonawoning

    Solved "every real minute" not working.

    I want to add 1 {kd.influence.%player%} every minute to a player but it doesn't work. If i remove ''event-world'' event thing, then it says please add an event world etc. Error: every real minute: if "%event-world%" is "KnightMC"...
  4. jonawoning

    Solved Skript if message starts with "!" not working.

    Title: Skript if message starts with "!" not working. < I have skript like: on chat: if {kd.%player%} is "Kingdomloos": cancel event broadcast "&7[&fKingdomloos&7] &7%coloured player's displayname%: &7%message%" else: set {hash} to "##" set {procent} to...
  5. C


    Hey, I made a IP-BAN Skript and i tested it but now I can' unipban myself. Can someone help me? Thanks!
  6. J

    Solved HELP - Lists not working!

    Hi! Look at this: command /sounds [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&d&m---------------------[ &9Sounds &d&m]---------------------" send "&a&o/sounds &7- &6&oShow this help page." send "&a&o/sounds list &7- &6&oList every sound...