
  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Chazz

    Offering Chazz | Quick and Affordable Server Trailers | Over 20+ Happy clients | 1.16.1 COMPATIBLE

    Hey, Are you looking to have a trailer for your server? Well you got to the right place, I offer a variety of prices for the trailers. All I require is access to you server and the servers official logo, the song can be also chosen by you. We discuss The details and all when you have DM'ed me...
  2. S

    Solved Java applet freezing

    Hello Guys, I have a web application with an applet. Applet is being used for opening of documents in the native viewer. Basically the applet connects to a servlet and downloads the byte array and stores the content in the user machine and then opens the same in the naative viewer (ex:, word...
  3. S

    Solved Applet Won't Execute

    Hello guys, I am teaching myself Java using one of the self-instruction books. In the Introductory chapter, there is a Hello World Applet. I have been able to get the code to compile - using Java Editor and the latest version of JDK 1.8. However when I try to write the simple HTML for running...
  4. L0v0lup

    Skript Skript Tutorials + Showcase in German

    Hey guys! Im doing for a while Skript tutorials on YouTube. Im working with Skript for almost 2 years now. I had a Server-Network with 8 Servers, most of them was powered by Skript :emoji_stuck_out_tongue: Sadly i dont have my Server anymore.. So all i can do is sharing my experience with you...