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  1. Ilycool

    open inventory with 3 rows - Skript would not work

    command /event [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]: permission: op trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "" send "&7Het &9&lBlok&f&lStad &7Event Panel is gemaakt door IlyCool" send "" send "&f&lCommands:" send "&7/event...
  2. S

    Can you fill slots of a skript-GUI gui with functions?

    I used to have a skript for a shop with TusKe but it has been broken in the new update, I have been recommended skript-GUI and wanted to know whether I could do the same thing with skript-GUI My skript (A snippet): if arg 1 is "6": open virtual chest inventory with 6 rows...
  3. P

    problem with a line

    i have been getting a console error with this line: format gui slot 1 of player with stone named "stone" to run: full code: command /cmd: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "test" to player if {%player%_var} is 1: format gui slot 1 of player...
  4. G

    Remove item that is used to click on TuSKe GUI item.

    When somebody clicks on an item in a TuSKe GUI I want that item to be deleted and I would like for somebody to point me in the right direction! I want the player to drag an item into an anvil and that item that was dragged into the anvil to vanish while it gives you a new, better item. My code...
  5. S

    Solved Need help with TuSke GUI

    What happened? I was making a simple Admin GUI and when I went to test it opened an empty GUI with nothing inside it and gave me an internal error. Expected Behavior A GUI should open with an option named Weather options and inside two buttons. One button for sunrise, the other one for the day...
  6. Riknesh

    Solved Tuske GUI Error

    I faced this error few months ago. But one of the Moderators [ @Pikachu ] gave me a link to download a new Tuske jar.But the link isnt working now.I dont have the Tuske.jar since im using another laptop. So is there any other way to fix this error? The GUI works when I click it while im opped...