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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Sound Overlap

    Hi there! I'm trying to make an in-game music Skript where it loops the cat disc. I calculated the exact number of minutes the disc is (im using a texture pack) and when I play it in-game it works but the sound plays over itself. I can't figure out how this happens. Here is my code: command...
  2. 5jgk

    Skript Indentation error

    So im trying to write an inventory full script but it works when i have no sound play when your inventory is full. But it doesnt when i play a sound when your inventory is full. My code is " on break: if player's inventory can't hold 1 diamond sword: send title "&c&lInventory full" with...
  3. Jonathan Cohen

    Music Skript

    Category: Music Skript Suggested name: Doesn't matter Spigot/Skript Version: Doesn't matter What I want: A skript that just plays random notes at a diffrent frequency each time you execute the command. Somne tones like the soul well in the hypixel skywars lobby Ideas for commands: /sound...
  4. Baezor

    API SkLib (Skript API) 1.1.0

    NOTE: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED! SkLib SkLib is a collection of functions for developers. These functions include support for holograms, text animations, text formatting, locations, and sounds! These are extremely useful in many situations. A detailed description of each...
  5. R

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame? Can I also prevent the item frame from being deleted in that case?
  6. R

    Solved How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame? Can I also prevent the item frame from being deleted in that case?
  7. C

    Guardian Curse

    Hello there! I want a skript wich plays the "MOB.GUARDIAN.CURSE" sound to player if I send a command. I tested it: But it didn't work. Loaded without errors. command /sound: trigger: play "MOB_GUARDIAN_CURSE" to player at volume 1 with pitch 1 It should be played to the player only.
  8. Aidanete

    My play sound effect don't work and don't show log errors

    I put an effect to play a sound but it doesn't work, there are no log errors for this. play sound "entity_generic_eat" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at event-location for event-player Please, help