Skript Indentation error

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New Member
Jan 3, 2024
So im trying to write an inventory full script but it works when i have no sound play when your inventory is full. But it doesnt when i play a sound when your inventory is full. My code is "
on break:
if player's inventory can't hold 1 diamond sword:
send title "&c&lInventory full" with subtitle "&c&lYour inventory is full!" to player for 3 seconds
play sound block.note_block.pling with volume 1 and pitch 2 to player"

Last edited:
So im trying to write an inventory full script but it works when i have no sound play when your inventory is full. But it doesnt when i play a sound when your inventory is full. My code is "
on break:
if player's inventory can't hold 1 diamond sword:
send title "&c&lInventory full" with subtitle "&c&lYour inventory is full!" to player for 3 seconds
play sound block.note_block.pling with volume 1 and pitch 2 to player"

:View attachment 8167
In order to keep your code consistent, use only tabs or spaces to indent each line, never both. Remove the indents on line 4 and replace them all with spaces.