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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. ScienceTeamKevin

    Backpack item save (Like Hypixel Skyblock)

    Hello! I am trying to make a backpack skript that will act like a chest whenever you open and close it, but the inventories change based on the item. So the same name, but different inventories. So if you've ever played Hypixel Skyblock, this is along the lines of what i need, Thank you!
  2. L

    Skript - An internall error occured.

    Hello, I was working on a server review server with a tuske gui options: {reviewedserver.%uuid of player%}: {v1} {reviewactive.%uuid of player%}: {v2} on first join: set {v2} to true command /resetratings: permission: op trigger: set {aussiegensr} to 10 set...