Hello, I was working on a server review server with a tuske gui
I still can't fix this problem(I use MineHut so I have no access to Skript.Jar) and there is no error in reload.
{reviewedserver.%uuid of player%}: {v1}
{reviewactive.%uuid of player%}: {v2}
on first join:
set {v2} to true
command /resetratings:
permission: op
set {aussiegensr} to 10
set {lavasr} to 10
command /test:
permission: op
set {v2} to true
on rightclick on entity:
if name of entity is "&2&lSERVER REVIEW LIST":
execute player command "/servers"
command /serverlist:
open virtual chest inventory with size 7 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Select Options" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with compass named "&7Server List" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Selection" to player
format gui slot 0 of player with shiny iron block named "&7AussieGens" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Selection Bar" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with paper named "&7Information" with lore "&fAussieGens is a popular Generator server", and "&fwith 50 player active at the time,", and "&fit is as the top list and having", and "&funique features like Mines, Traders." to run:
if {v2} is true:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Information" to player
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&7Information" with lore "&fAussieGens is a popular Generator server", and "&fwith 50 player active at the time,", and "&fit is as the top list and having", and "&funique features like Mines, Traders." to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
add 1 to {v1}
set {v2} to false
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 13 of player with yellow concrete named "&7Eterina Official Rating" with lore "&e&l7&7/&a&l10" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 15 of player with paper named "&7Popular Rating" with lore "&f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to close:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Ratings" to player
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&e&lRATINGS" with lore "&7The official rating is &e&l7&7/&e&l10", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10", and "&a&lCLICK TO VOTE FOR SERVER" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Rate the server" to player
format gui slot 9 of player with paper named "&e&l1/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 1", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 1 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 10 of player with paper named "&e&l2/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 2", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 2 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 11 of player with paper named "&e&l3/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 3", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 3 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 12 of player with paper named "&e&l4/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 4", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 4 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&e&l5/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 5", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 5 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 14 of player with paper named "&e&l6/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 6", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 6 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 15 of player with paper named "&e&l7/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 7", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 7 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&e&l8/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 8", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 8 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 17 of player with paper named "&e&l9/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 9", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 9 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 4 of player with gold block named "&e&lJACKPOT RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 10", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{aussiegensr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 10 to {aussiegensr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {aussiegensr} to {aussiegensr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 1 of player with shiny bucket named "&7LavaS" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Selection Bar" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with paper named "&7Information" with lore "&fLavaS is a popular lava survival server", and "&fwith 30 player active at the time,", and "&fit is as the top list and having", and "&funique features like resource gens." to run:
if {v2} is true:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Information" to player
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&7Information" with lore "&fLavaS is a popular lava survival server", and "&fwith 30 player active at the time,", and "&fit is as the top list and having", and "&funique features like resource gens." to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
add 1 to {v1}
set {v2} to false
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 13 of player with yellow concrete named "&7Eterina Official Rating" with lore "&e&l9.7&7/&a&l10" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 15 of player with paper named "&7Popular Rating" with lore "&f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to close:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Ratings" to player
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&e&lRATINGS" with lore "&7The official rating is &e&l9.7&7/&e&l10", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10", and "&a&lCLICK TO VOTE FOR SERVER" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2&lSERVERS &8| &7Rate the server" to player
format gui slot 9 of player with paper named "&e&l1/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 1", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 1 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 10 of player with paper named "&e&l2/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 2", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 2 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 11 of player with paper named "&e&l3/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 3", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 3 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 12 of player with paper named "&e&l4/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 4", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 4 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&e&l5/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 5", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 5 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 14 of player with paper named "&e&l6/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 6", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 6 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 15 of player with paper named "&e&l7/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 7", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 7 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&e&l8/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 8", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 8 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 17 of player with paper named "&e&l9/10 RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 9", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 9 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 4 of player with gold block named "&e&lJACKPOT RATING" with lore "&7Click to rate as 10", and "&7The popular rating is &f%{lavasr}%&7/&f10" to run:
add 10 to {lavasr}
wait 7.77 ticks
set {lavasr} to {lavasr} / 2
send "&2&lETERINA &8| &7Voted!&7"
execute player command "/serverlist"
format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run:
execute player command "/serverlist"