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  1. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    Level SMPS Weapons/, Can someone remake the levels smp weapons? Description of all the weapons if you dont know what they are Experience Banisher: A netherstar and when held in someone's inventory and that person kills another player it bans that player permanently Level Stealer: a...
  2. Yushaa

    Trying to make a netherite sword with the name &dBlade Of Gaia drop gold nuggets and ingots when it kills a mob

    current code #options: bog: &dBlade of Gaia on death: if attacker's held item is netherite sword: #Just to make sure #if name of held item is "{@bog}": if name of held item is "&dBlade Of Gaia": else if victim is mob: drop random integer...
  3. Yushaa

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill?

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill? I also want the sharpness maximum to be 10
  4. Yushaa

    How to make a netherite sword with the Name ''&dBlade of Gaia'' earn 1 sharpness level per player kill,maxxing out at sharpness 10?

    Can anyone make a skript that does this for me,it is fine if you dont want to or are unable to i'd really appreciate it though
  5. SkillAura

    Lightning Sword