random integer

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  1. HexiKat

    Random number/integer not working

    so my code looks like this. it worked on 1.20 but no longer works on 1.21. it would give a random item before but now always uses the same item. on right click: if player's held item is gray dye named "&c&lRandom Crystal": set {randomcrystal::%player%} to a random integer out of...
  2. O

    Random Integer Between 2 Locations

    Ok so I am trying to make a skript where when you select a kit, it summons you to a random location between -22 9 5 and 25 0 56 and I know single number random integers but not 2 coords, and help?? Full Code: command /kits: trigger: open virtual chest with size 4 named "&9Kits" to...