Ok so I am trying to make a skript where when you select a kit, it summons you to a random location between -22 9 5 and 25 0 56 and I know single number random integers but not 2 coords, and help??
Full Code:
Full Code:
command /kits:
open virtual chest with size 4 named "&9Kits" to player
wait 1 tick
format gui slot 10 of player with iron helmet named "&8&lKit PVP" to run:
execute command "give %player% iron_helmet 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
execute command "give %player% iron_chestplate 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
execute command "give %player% iron_leggings 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
execute command "give %player% iron_boots 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
execute command "give %player% iron_sword 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
give player 8 golden apple
execute command "give %player% bow 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:infinity,lvl:1},{id:power,lvl:1}]}"
give player 16 ender pearls
give player 1 arrow
teleport player to {spawn}
format gui slot 19 of player with diamond helmet named "&8&lKit TANK" to run:
give player 1 iron helmet
give player 1 diamond chestplate
give player 1 diamond leggings
give player 1 diamond boots
apply slowness 2 to player for 999 days
set {tank.%player%} to true
give player 1 stone sword
give player 2 golden apple
teleport player to {spawn}
format gui slot 16 of player with diamond sword named "&8&lKit ASSASSIN" to run:
if player has permission "kit.assassin":
execute command "give %player% leather_helmet 1 0 {display:{color:0}}"
execute command "give %player% leather_chestplate 1 0 {display:{color:5263440}}"
execute command "give %player% leather_leggings 1 0 {display:{color:5263440}}"
execute command "give %player% leather_boots 1 0 {display:{color:0}}"
execute command "give %player% diamond_sword 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1}]}"
execute command "give %player% bow 1 0 {Enchantments:[{id:infinity,lvl:1},{id:power,lvl:1}]}"
give player 1 arrow
execute command "give %player% invislongpot 1"
give player 8 golden apple
give player 8 ender pearls
set {_random} to a random integer between (-22 9 5 and 25 0 56) #problem line I just need it on all of them since I just tried it on 1 kit
teleport player to {_random}
send "&cYou need 50 kills!"
on death:
if {tank.%player%} is true:
set {tank.%player%} to false
remove slowness from player
every 1 second in world "world":
loop all players:
if loop-player doesn't have permission "kits.assassin":
if {kills.%loop-player%} is 50:
execute command "pex user %loop-player% add kits.assassin"
send "&aYou unlocked kit ""&8&lASSASSIN""" to loop-player