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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Ashey_Gamer

    CMI Placeholders

    so im making a /setprefix command and im trying to add the servers current rank prefix to the chat format with a cmi placeholder but it seems its not detecting and just appears as '<none>'. Ive tried many different variations any help? set the chat format to...
  2. A

    How to detect when a player places a custom head.

    Topic (1) How could I detect when a player places a custom head? Topic (2) How could I place a custom head? Question (1) Could I just do on place: if event-block is a player head with nbt "%nbt%"? Please answer! Thanks in advance, AgentStrawberry
  3. N

    Help: save placed block names in variable

    Hello, i want to save the name of custom heads in a variable when placed and use them for some if statements when broken. This is currently my script and the message on place just says <nothing>: on place of player head: message "%name of event-block%" to player if name of event-block is...
  4. D

    Roulette - Place Skull

    Hey! I am making a Roulette-System but I wanted to do it fanzy :) The System in common is complete ( The Blocks are randomly rolling in a circle..) but I wanted it to look like this ( but I dont know how to place Skulls trough Skript. Pls Help ^^
  5. NotNinjaTalon

    Solved SkBee scoreboard not working but has no errors on reload

    I'm having issues with my scoreboard. On reload i appears there are no errors but on reconnect the scoreboard doesn't appear nor does it when the player manually does /toggle. If anyone knows what my error and or problem could be please share your thoughts. Thanks, Talon. Scoreboard Skript...
  6. E

    Quick question

    How to make a player can only place 1 gold block
  7. Z

    On place of a modifiable list of blocks

    Skript Version: Skript 2.4.1-MH Minecraft Version: 1.15 Problematic code: on block place: set event-block to {_event-block} if {builderReq} contains {_event-block}: add 1 to {builder.%player%} broadcast "[debug] li1" else: broadcast "[debug] li2" #...
  8. Z

    BaseCreator with schematics

    Hi, I want to place a crafting table with name "BASECREATOR" and the a schematic should load on the place where the player stands. help pls
  9. opsaaaaa

    Script Row Planter V18.3.2

    WHAT IS ROW PLANTER? Row planter is a minecraft server skript plugin that plants a row of crops in the direction the player is looking. It can also place a line of rails or fences or most other blocks. TUTORIAL Stand at one end of a field holding some seeds. point your curser to the other end...
  10. T

    I do not have this system

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if they knew why this did not work or have another way to do this. I'm sorry if English is bad but I'm from Argentina and I'm using the translator ;) I want to make it set if {_timer} has more minutes than {CCK.% Loop-value% .time.reward} but it does not...
  11. Sitieno14

    Script BreakPlaceBlock 0.1

    Rules: - Please don't remove "Plugin made by Sitieno14" - Don't sell this plugin - You are free to share this plugin with anyone, but do not claim the plugin as yours Contact: - Skype: sitieno14 Please if you find a bug contact me on skype reporting it and i will fix it with a new version...