I'm having issues with my scoreboard. On reload i appears there are no errors but on reconnect the scoreboard doesn't appear nor does it when the player manually does /toggle. If anyone knows what my error and or problem could be please share your thoughts. Thanks, Talon.
Scoreboard Skript (Pastebin): https://pastebin.com/6Mx31Kje
Addons installed:
SkBee, TuSKe, MorkazSk, SkDragon, Skellet, SkRayfall, SkQuery
[doublepost=1596830163,1596713998][/doublepost]Issue resolved I just made a simple error in my function that didn't understand who the {_p} was.
Scoreboard Skript (Pastebin): https://pastebin.com/6Mx31Kje
#every 5 seconds:
#loop all players:
#set tab header to "&6&l*&e&l*&6&l* &6&l&nMERCHANT&6&l *&e&l*&6&l*" and footer to "&7merchant.minehut.gg (%number of online players%/%max players%)" for loop-player
function Scoreboard(player: player):
set title of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&l*&e&l*&6&l* &6&l&nMERCHANT&6&l *&e&l*&6&l*"
set line 15 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&0"# in sidebar of {_p} to 15
set line 14 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&l&nPLAYER"# in sidebar of {_p} to 14
set line 13 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eName &f%{_p}%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 13
set line 12 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eBalance &f$%format({_p}'s balance)%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 12
set line 11 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eMobcoins &f%format({mobcoins::%{_p}%})%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 11
set line 10 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&1"# in sidebar of {_p} to 10
set line 9 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&l&nISLAND"# in sidebar of {_p} to 9
if {island.owner::%{_p}%} is not set:
set line 8 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eOwner &f/is create"# in sidebar of {_p} to 8
set line 8 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eOwner &f%{island.owner::%{_p}%}%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 8
if {island.level::%{island.owner::%{_p}%}%} is not set:
set line 7 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eLevel &f0"# in sidebar of {_p} to 7
set line 7 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eLevel &f%format({island.level::%{island.owner::%{_p}%}%})%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 7
if {island.members.%{island.owner::%{_p}%}%} is not set:
set line 6 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eMembers &f0"# in sidebar of {_p} to 6
set line 6 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eMembers &f%amount of {island.members.%{island.owner::%{_p}%}%::*}%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 6
set line 5 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&2"# in sidebar of {_p} to 5
set line 4 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&l&nSERVER"# in sidebar of {_p} to 4
set line 3 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eOnline &f%number of online players%/%max players%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 3
set line 2 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eTotal Joins &f%{joins}%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 2
set line 1 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6&lx &eTPS &f%{server_tps}%"# in sidebar of {_p} to 1
function format(n: number) :: text:
set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3"
loop split {_data} at "|":
set {_s::*} to split loop-value at ","
{_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number
return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%"
return "%{_n}%"
command /toggle [<text>]:
if {show_info::%player%} is not set:
set {show_info::%player%} to true
toggle player's scoreboard to on
send "&7Enabled your scoreboard." to player
delete {show_info::%player%}
toggle player's scoreboard to off
send "&7Disabled your scoreboard." to player
on join:
clear player's scoreboard
while player is online:
wait 10 ticks
Addons installed:
SkBee, TuSKe, MorkazSk, SkDragon, Skellet, SkRayfall, SkQuery
[doublepost=1596830163,1596713998][/doublepost]Issue resolved I just made a simple error in my function that didn't understand who the {_p} was.