permission skript

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  1. ArmadilloMike

    My script is not working

    My script is supposed to add a permission to a player but it is having errors here is the code i have: command /permissions <add|remove> <player> <permission>: permission: op permission message: "You must Be an OP to change permissions" aliases: perm usage: No sytex error...
  2. WhiteWolf

    SkQuery Permission Manager [HELP]

    Hello, fellow Skripters! I have a problem with my Skript and I don't know why. Here's the error: permissions of the player can't have anything added to it. yes, I did use the script options: $ use permissions but it's still not working. If anyone could tell me why, that would be greatly...
  3. S

    Solved How to give a player permission when righ-click on item?

    So I have multiverseportals but to have access you need to be OP or you group should have "multiverse.portal.access.<portal name>". So how to make that if player right-click on specific item as example paper renamed to Snow Pass, get portal access for that portal? I found this: But its not...
  4. VampTheSkripter

    Adding Perms to a player?

    I need help! add "%arg-3%" to arg-2's permission Whenever I do that, an error pops up saying: "Permissions of the 2nd argument can't have anything added to it." And Yes, I do have SkQuery. The same thing goes with removing perms from a player's permission.