particle projectiles

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  1. ImOnFireeeeeeeee

    Solved How do I fix this particle code

    on shoot: projectile is arrow set metadata tag "delete" of projectile to true if metadata tag "delete" of projectile is true: show 1 heart particle at location of projectile for shooter if projectile is dead: exit wait 1 tick I don't see why...
  2. L

    Shoot particle without addon

  3. T

    Help with particle projectile speed

    Skript Version: 2.1.2 Skript Author: Njol Minecraft Version: 1.8 --- Full Code: on leftclick: if name of player's tool contains "&9[&2Avada Kedavra&9]": if {avadakedavra.%player's uuid%} is 1: if {varita.%player's uuid%} is -1: cancel the event...