Skript Version: 2.1.2
Skript Author: Njol
Minecraft Version: 1.8
Full Code:
Errors on Reload: nothing
Console Errors: nothing (if applicable)
Other Useful Info:
Addons using (including versions):
Umbaska 2.0 Beta 5.0541, SkQuery 3.21.4
Troubleshooting: I want to know how can I do the projectile very very fast like instantly but without editing the projectile speed, like changing the particle tps
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it?
Skript Author: Njol
Minecraft Version: 1.8
Full Code:
on leftclick:
if name of player's tool contains "&9[&2Avada Kedavra&9]":
if {avadakedavra.%player's uuid%} is 1:
if {varita.%player's uuid%} is -1:
cancel the event
else if {varita.%player's uuid%} is 0:
message "&3Avada Kedavra!"
play raw sound "mob.wither.death" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
set {_uavadakedavra} to "AVADAKEDAVRA||%player%||%new uuid%"
register new particle projectile using particle happy villager {_uavadakedavra}
set start location of {_uavadakedavra} to location of player's head
set particle count of {_uavadakedavra} to 2
set x offset of {_uavadakedavra} to .0
set y offset of {_uavadakedavra} to .0
set z offset of {_uavadakedavra} to .0
set particle speed of {_uavadakedavra} to 3
set tps of {_uavadakedavra} to 0.0001
set gravity of {_uavadakedavra} to 0
set projectile type of {_uavadakedavra} to stop on both
make player shoot particle projectile {_uavadakedavra} with speed 0.6
set {_pavadakedavra} to location of player's head
while distance between current location of {_uavadakedavra} and {_pavadakedavra} is less than 30:
if running state of {_uavadakedavra} is false:
wait 5 ticks
stop particle projectile {_uavadakedavra}
Errors on Reload: nothing
Console Errors: nothing (if applicable)
Other Useful Info:
Addons using (including versions):
Umbaska 2.0 Beta 5.0541, SkQuery 3.21.4
Troubleshooting: I want to know how can I do the projectile very very fast like instantly but without editing the projectile speed, like changing the particle tps
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it?
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