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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. JesterThr0ugh

    HELP! Private SMP skript needed!

    Hello guys! Im starting a SMP called 'Reaper SMP' and i got a good twist! When you kill a player you get a cog (A effect) that is perm, until you die (player) it goes down by 1 level, or when you kill someone it guys up by 1, if u have 1 level and you get killed you get no effect. With these...
  2. F

    Skoreboard error (Skore add-on)

    I've created a script for a scoreboard with the addon Skore. But there is an error that i can't get fixed: on join: wipe player sidebar setup skoreboard for player: set title of skoreboard player to "&5&lMagic&c&lKingdom" set slot 1 of skoreboard player to "&7Online...
  3. F

    on region enter: (bugg)

    When I reload my script it doesn't give any errors. But it dont works. on region enter: if "%event-region%" contains "kitpvp": wait 2 ticks send "test" to player
  4. F

    Force respawn player (Error)
