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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Sound Overlap

    Hi there! I'm trying to make an in-game music Skript where it loops the cat disc. I calculated the exact number of minutes the disc is (im using a texture pack) and when I play it in-game it works but the sound plays over itself. I can't figure out how this happens. Here is my code: command...
  2. oCerial

    Script 1.0.0 - A powerful Note block script. What is this? This skript allows you to play songs in the NBS format. NBS (Note Block Song), is a format used by the NoteBlockAPI, which can be used to play some songs. If you do not have NBS files, you can join our Discord Server and access our...
  3. Jonathan Cohen

    Music Skript

    Category: Music Skript Suggested name: Doesn't matter Spigot/Skript Version: Doesn't matter What I want: A skript that just plays random notes at a diffrent frequency each time you execute the command. Somne tones like the soul well in the hypixel skywars lobby Ideas for commands: /sound...
  4. amacz13

    Addon SkMusic 2.0.0

    About this Addon This addon allow you to play NoteBlockSongs with Skript. I've made this addon because existing addons that have this feature are not working in Minecraft 1.10. This is my first addon and my first spigot plugin so be indulgent :) This addon require the following plugin ...