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Jul 18, 2023
Hi there! I'm trying to make an in-game music Skript where it loops the cat disc. I calculated the exact number of minutes the disc is (im using a texture pack) and when I play it in-game it works but the sound plays over itself. I can't figure out how this happens. Here is my code:

command /thiscommanddoesnothingmusic:
        execute console command "execute at %player% run playsound music_disc.cat player %player% ~ ~ ~ 999999999999999999"
        wait 2 minutes
        wait 15.33 seconds
        make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"
on join:
    wait 25 seconds
    make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"

It'd be great if you helped! :emoji_grinning:
Hi there! I'm trying to make an in-game music Skript where it loops the cat disc. I calculated the exact number of minutes the disc is (im using a texture pack) and when I play it in-game it works but the sound plays over itself. I can't figure out how this happens. Here is my code:

command /thiscommanddoesnothingmusic:
        execute console command "execute at %player% run playsound music_disc.cat player %player% ~ ~ ~ 999999999999999999"
        wait 2 minutes
        wait 15.33 seconds
        make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"
on join:
    wait 25 seconds
    make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"

It'd be great if you helped! :emoji_grinning:
You could just do
play sound "music_disc.cat" to player
. Also, you can combine a couple lines.
wait 2 minutes and 15.33 seconds
. Also you could try adjusting the time slightly to wait a little bit of time until after the sound has stopped playing before playing it again.
You could just do
play sound "music_disc.cat" to player
. Also, you can combine a couple lines.
wait 2 minutes and 15.33 seconds
. Also you could try adjusting the time slightly to wait a little bit of time until after the sound has stopped playing before playing it again.
Here is my new code:

command /thiscommanddoesnothingmusic:
        execute console command "stopsound %player% player"
        wait 1 tick
        execute console command "execute at %player% run playsound music_disc.cat player %player% ~ ~ ~ 999999999999999999"
        wait 136 seconds
        execute console command "stopsound %player% player"
        wait 1 tick
        execute console command "execute at %player% run playsound music_disc.mall player %player% ~ ~ ~ 9999999999999999999"
        wait 105 seconds
        make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"
on join:
    wait 28 seconds
    send action bar "&bJoin our discord to apply for ranks! &9(/discord)"
    make player execute command "thiscommanddoesnothingmusic"

Somehow is still overlaps, it should work perfectly though
I also encountered this problem. I tried to play the soundpack of resourcepack, but the music on the client side overlapped..
For example, when I play my custom music, the default randomly played music in the client will also play, resulting in two different pieces of music playing together

function MusicAPI_PlaySound(player: player, music:text, sec:number, world:text):
    clear {-MusicAPI::%{_world}%_bgm_seconds::%{_player}%}

    if {_player}'s world is not {_world}:

    while {_player} is online:
        wait 1 seconds

        play sound {_music} in music category with volume 1 to {_player}

        set {-MusicAPI::%{_world}%_bgm_seconds::%{_player}%} to 0
        while {_player} is online:
            wait 1 seconds
            add 1 to {-MusicAPI::%{_world}%_bgm_seconds::%{_player}%}

            if {-MusicAPI::%{_world}%_bgm_seconds::%{_player}%} >= {_sec}:
                stop loop

            if {_player}'s world is not {_world}:
                clear {-MusicAPI::%{_world}%_bgm_seconds::%{_player}%}
                stop sound {_music} for {_player}
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