mob spawner

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  1. J

    Preventing players from breaking spawners in the world

    How can I prevent players from breaking and obtaining spawners that exist in the world on my server? But there is a spawner plugin on my server, players can buy spawners from the market, put them in and break them, I just want them not to be able to get the spawners created in the world.
  2. eult

    Script [SKRIPT BMS] Better Mob Spawners 2.0

    Requirements: Skript 2.7+, SkBee 2.9.0+ and Skript-reflect 2.3.1-for-Skript-2.7 Better Mob Spawners [SKRIPT] Are you tired of the hassle of manually upgrading, looting, and interacting with spawners in Minecraft? Look no further. Our script simplifies the process, making spawner management a...