
  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. WrexBG

    Vanilla GUI Border+ Functions

    These are functions you may find useful when working with GUI's. It's just an easy way to add border, border with preset pattern, and fill or clear the inventory. Some things to know beforehand: - These are functions - Required addons: none - Tested on Minecraft 1.15.2 and Skript 2.4.1 - There...
  2. M

    wheat item named "[Wheat]" is not a types.recipe

    if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} == 0: format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing else if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} >= 1...