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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. ItsDarkElf

    Slow mine generation help

    I am trying to make a custom mine generation system for a large scale mine. The problem I'm having is that this works but really and I mean really slow and laggy. So it would be nice if someone could help me speed it up so it's faster and more light weight. function andesiteGen(block: block...
  2. J

    Optimizing Arena Save/Load

    Hello, So I'm trying to make a skript that will save an arena and load it. I need some help though. The first like a minute or two it works fine with 19.98 - 20 tps which is average for my server after a certain amount of time the TPS goes down a lot I mean like to 10TPS I don't want to use...
  3. F

    Skript is being Laggy... Any Help?

    Hello There! So, ive always had a problem with lag on my server, but i never knew what was the cause, until i decided to test out if skript was causing the problem. I disabled all my skript, and sure enough the server ran like butter. Yes, i am a skript developer, and ive coded skripts up to...