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  1. Z

    balancetop money formatting

    command /balancetop: aliases: /baltop, /moneytop trigger: loop {baltop::*}: set {baltop::%loop-index%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as integer set {_baltop::*} to sorted {money::*} from highest to lowest with format "&f@index &f- &a$@value" set {_a} to 0...
  2. sluhtie

    UTF-8 in yaml

    Hello everyone, I want to crate a external config using Skript where you can set the prefix of my Skript. But everytime I open the generated config there are these funny color codes: prefix: "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]" But I want to have the Color codes like &a and &4... If you know what I...
  3. Dovias

    [expression] Split text by every "x" characters.

    Want to split text by every "x" characters, but cant find an expression which does this? No problem, just use this freshly made expression by me!. Add this to new .sk file or at the top of your skript of choice. You could use this without the skript-mirror, but i know there's a lot of people who...