drop death

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  1. KingDooms

    Looting drops not working

    Basically, im trying to make custom drops and make looting work... but for some reasson, it only drops one, depending on what i do. Any help? on death of pig: clear drops wait 1 tick set {looting::%player%} to level of looting of player's tool + 1 drop {looting::%player%} of raw...
  2. S

    Solved drop mob items in player inventory

    Hey guys, I have a question. on death: if victim is bat: clear the drops chance of 50%: set {_amount} to random integer between 1 and 3 set {_drop} to {_amount} of nether brick named "&atest" give {_drop} to attacker Resolved
  3. L

    Anti death itemdrop

    Im working on a skript that prevents loot from dropping that is not diamond gear and nether stars but i dont know how to find out the item that is on the ground and i dont know how to remove it