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  1. X

    Solved I need help creating a /daily skript with a permission needed.

    I have a skript made with a permission but anyone is able to do it, permission or not. I could not find anything on this. It is so a vip rank has a separate /daily cmd. This is the skript I have: options: prefix: &8[&6&LServerName&8]&r cooldown: 24 hours permission: daily.vip...
  2. I

    Solved Beacon Every 30 minutes

    How Do i make a skript where for example every 30 minutes since the server has started it will give all players 1 beacon
  3. S

    Solved Daily reward every 24 hours!

    So I need skript for daily reward for my server! So I want command /daily that players can use every 24 hours. The command should give them specific item, as example lets say "1 diamond". If they used the command today and try to type it again, it will give them message "You can get daily reward...
  4. S

    Script DailyReward | Easy Configuration | Money - Material - Command Reward 1.7.1 1.8

    VIP Mode You can make DailyReward Awards Special for VIP Members. Simulation Roulette If users do not have permission, They see simulation roulette.This roulette does not reward users, Only Simulation is shown to them. Reward Types You can use Material, Money and Command as a reward...