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  1. cheezburga

    Script Cookie Clicker 5.0

    Adds a feature-packed Cookie Clicker script to your server! Features: Scoreboard (displays cookies and CPS) Lets you restart if you're just too good (prestiging coming soon!) An upgrades shop with the same buildings as the original Cookie Clicker Backs up to the server so you never lose your...
  2. S

    Solved How to make a top list?

    Hi, I have a problem. I have a variable {cookieclicker::%player's uuid%::points}. How would I make a top GUI list with it? I mean like: open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&b&lTOP" to player format gui slot 0 of player with 1 of skull of ("senge1337" parsed as offlineplayer) named...
  3. N

    Location spawn

    How do i do so a location spawn cookies forever but if i type /stopcookiespawn it stop spawning them but if i type /togglecookiespawn it spawns again Pls help me ( sorry for bad english )